Snapseed App Review
What has two thumbs and a ton of camera apps on his phone? This guy! I love to take pictures on my phone and am constantly looking for new and better apps to make my photos look as cool as possible. With that being said, Snapseed, in the Android Play Store, is a must have for all of us picture takers (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.niksoftware.snapseed&feature=nav_result&rdid=com.niksoftware.snapseed&rdot=1).
Snapseed has filters on top of filters . . . on top of filters. Snapseed gives you total control of how much of each filter you would want to apply to your photos. This means you can add a tiny bit of a grunge effect to your photo and a large amount of contrast with just a smidgen of center focus to draw your viewers eyes in to the focal point of your photo.
Once you have Snapseed on your phone you will be ready to take your Instagram or Facebook to a whole other level with photos that you have applied your creative eye to!