Want a better way to update your Facebook and Twitter at the same time?
I am somewhat crazy about updating my Facebook and Twitter at the same time. Does that make me weird? No. Nerd? Definitely. I’ve tried many apps like Tweak Deck, Tweet Deck, Scope, and Seesmic, but the best I’ve found so far is StreamLife for Android. It has a widget where you can update both networks at the same time. It also has a handy dandy widget you can put on your home screen. Does this mean you’ll see the same thing on my Twitter and Facebook? I would say most of the time yes. However, I do tweet specific things at times without using Facebook. Want to see what I’m saying? Follow me on Twitter (jonnyrob5) or add me as a friend on Facebook, and don’t forget to follow Inland Cellular on Twitter @InlandCellular.