13 Years!
Inland Cellular is a great company to work for, one reason being that I get to volunteer. The Boards and committees that I am involved with are great ones that really do a lot of good for our community. Through my volunteering I am also making great friends that WANT to do business only with me, only with Inland. We spend time together that gives opportunity to discuss their family’s cellular plans, what’s going on in their families…who’s graduating, who needs a new phone.
I have been employed here for 13 years and I have a lot of customers that have had service with Inland for the same amount of time. So, of course, over 13 years a lot happens in lives and I get to share that with many. Marriages, kids, moves, are just a few changes. Oh, and let’s not forget how our plans have changed!
When I first started in 1999 $24.99 got you 60 minutes. That’s it. In or out and if you roamed outside our market you were charged $1 a minute. Then we moved on to 3 states no roaming, free incoming calls then free nights/weekends and nationwide service. We moved on to texting packages and now data packages. This is an industry that is constantly changing and evolving and it’s been fun to ride the waves of growth and get through it by helping my customers, my friends. They rely on me to make sure they are on the best plan, as my friend Suzy Schwartz says, “getting the best bang for a buck”, and are kept up to speed with our latest features and accessories.
I hope to have many more years here, developing more friendships and continuing the many I already have! Can you imagine what phone devices are going to be like in the next 13 years! It will be fun finding out…