Mtida Partners With Inland Cellular
Inland Cellular has acquired Mtida’s network and is partnering with Stacy and Greg at Mtida to continue to provide fixed wireless internet service in and around Grangeville. It is our goal to make this transition seamless for Mtida customers as possible. We look forward to our partnership with Greg & Stacy as we expand and improve services in the coming months and years. Mtida customers will still have Greg & Stacy available to assist them as well as the Inland Customer support team.
We want to welcome Mtida customers to the Inland Cellular family.
A message to Mtida customers from Greg & Stacy:
Dear Mtida Customers,
There comes a time when “tiny” businesses need to step down and allow bigger entities to take over for the greater good. Mom and Pop outfits, especially in the technical arena, are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Infrastructure costs alone prohibit a small wireless Internet service provider (WISP ) from expanding and upgrading fast enough to stay on the cutting edge of technology.
So, after a year of research and soul searching, Greg and Stacy have decided to sell Mtida Internet Service Provider to Inland Cellular LLC. Both companies see this move as a partnership where Greg and Stacy will continue frontline management of Mtida while Inland Cellular will take over administration of the infrastructure, continuing to upgrade and expand the Camas Prairie network. We enjoy working with the Inland Cellular folks and admire their reputation for helping local communities, and we really feel like this move is a good fit for Mtida customers as Inland Cellular has a small business, family feel to it as well. The sale will take place on April 15, 2020.
For now, the “face” of Mtida will remain pretty much the same. Mtida customers will continue to call Greg and Stacy at 208-983-5452 for technical support, billing, new service and email issues. Customers should also continue to send payments to Mtida, PO Box 65, Grangeville, ID 83530 as Stacy will be processing payments for Inland Cellular until further notice. If you have autopay set up with us, we have that covered as well. Greg will still be in charge of new service site surveys, new installs and existing customer upgrades. Inland Cellular is dedicated to making this change as seamless as possible.
Many of you know that Stacy Van Steenwyk and her family purchased Mtida from the Vesseys in 2003 as a dial-up Internet service. Alan Fox was the genius behind the scenes, first building and then delivering all the servers from Kentucky to Idaho. Greg joined the team first as a wireless service installer pretty early in the game and later became a partner and network administrator in the company in 2016. Over the years we’ve had customers over for supper when they happened to be in the office when supper was ready, we’ve had customers who treated our children as grandchildren. Many of you watched Molly and Clint grow up. You’ll still see us in the community we call home. We all feel the Mtida customers are friends and family and have enjoyed all these years of serving you with quality, reliable Internet. We are also very excited to partner with a company that is very capable of taking rural fixed wireless services into the next generation of technology!
You will be receiving a letter from Inland Cellular in the mail soon. We’ll keep you up to date with the latest information about this merger as we transition.
Mtida Staff
Looking to reach out to Inland Customer Support: Click here to get in touch.