Community Update
Last week Inland Cellular bought pizza for the teachers atClarkstonHigh School. It was their first day back to school before students got there and we just wanted to thank them for their dedication and service to the kids in our community.Josh Eckert, Sales Manager at Inland Cellular spoke briefly and he said something that I think…I hope…really hit home with some of the staff there. He told them that Inland donated $400,000 last year in our market. That money went for sponsorships of auctions, sports teams, golf tournaments, foundations, fund-raisers, 4H kids, parades, rodeos, t-shirts and giveaways, auction items, and numerous other donations. He then said, “in order for us to continue to support you and your causes, we need you to support us”. Wow, what a concept! You do business with the business that supports you and your community! I sure don’t see AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint (and I’m pretty sure they just might have a bigger budget than Inland Cellular) doing a single thing for any of us that live in this valley.
That being said, I would like to ask you to support me and my family by doing business with a company I love, Inland Cellular. You’ll see us a lot this week…we sponsor the Extreme Bulls and have a VIP tent. If you are attending that night and want dinner and beer on us, ask me for a wristband. Look for our entry in the parade on Saturday and see many of us employed at Inland Cellular supporting the Lewiston Roundup and all it’s festivities of the week! Don’t forgetUnited Waykick-off Friday morning at the Chamber breakfast. Oh yeah, Inland Cellular has 100% employee participation forUnited Waydonations. Yeah, we’re like that here at Inland!