Back To School Round 2
It is that time again, the summer is slowly coming to an end and the back to school season is approaching. With all the supplies that need to be purchased from pencils and paper to a laptop and printer paper depending on where you are at in your educational career, it all adds up quickly. The tools that students require to be successful in school are primarily small things that do not cost an arm and a leg on their own but when you combine everything that a student needs for the year like a back pack, books, and all the other supplies the bill sky rockets.
What I decided to do is take a look at how our Android Phones here at Inland Cellular can help a student be successful as the head off to college.
Every college student has the pleasure of purchasing the books they will need for the year. You can save on the overall cost by purchasing used books, but students need more than just the books for the year. They need a Dictionary and maybe a Thesaurus to help write papers.
You can download the Merriam-Webster Dictionary ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.merriamwebster&feature=apps_promotion_2012_08_14_BackToSchool#?t=W10. )to your Android Phone powered by Inland Cellular absolutely free. That is a price that every college student can appreciate. You can also download the Advanced English and Thesaurus application (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobisystems.msdict.embedded.wireless.wordnet&feature=apps_promotion_2012_08_14_BackToSchool#?t=W10.)to your Android handset for the same price as the dictionary, free. Not only do you save money by downloading the app, you also lighten the load in your back pack.
What other tools might you need to be successful scholastically, a scientific calculator? We have you covered with the RealCalc Plus app available in the Google Play Store for only $3.49. That is easily a six dollar savings which means that is six packs of Top Ramen!
With so many apps available in the Google Play Store like coupon apps for groceries to flash card apps to financial budgeting apps it is easy to realize why any college student will be better equipped for the up-coming school year with an Android phone powered by Inland Cellular.
Now go make us proud!
Until Next Time,
Chris Jonlick
AKA The Gik