Prepaid Wireless Fuel Billing System Update
Dear Valued Fuel Customers,
We are changing our billing platform for Wireless Prepaid users. We began this migration earlier this year and with it, new and improved Fuel plans. While we aim to make this transition as seamless as possible, there will be some action required from you.
We began this migration earlier this year. You will need to head to your nearest Inland location at your earliest convenience and a rep will provide you with a free SIM card. On 10/15/19 autopayments will be deactivated. Credit cards that are stored on your Fuel account will not transfer to the new system, due to credit card security regulations. This may result in an interruption of service if you have your card stored as a recurring in our system and you don’t update your information.
The final migration will be completed on 12/31/2019. Users on old plans will be deactivated at this time.
To avoid an interruption in service please reach out to our customer services at 800-248-8822 or visit your nearest Inland Location.