Combine Derby and More!
Nezperce,ID really knows how to put on a show! A combine derby show that is. Inland Cellular was a major sponsor this year and we have been for about 5 years. Thousands of people pack this little town to watch combines smash into each other, lawn mowers race and just enjoy a usually warm, pleasant afternoon. The community feeling is just what Inland Cellular is all about. We love and support our community in all parts of our market. We can continue to offer this support and be sponsors of events such as this if our community continues to support us. Verizon, Sprint, AT&T do nothing like we do and I hope it’s noticed.
If you do not have Inland Cellular as your provider but you attend events that we support physically and monetarily why don’t you at least call me and get a quote? We have everything the “Big Guys” have (except iPhone, which I think is overrated…LOVE my Android) and more. We give that personal touch. We deliver, we give loaner phones, and we issue credits when warranted. We go to your fundraisers, auctions, little league games and personally do business with you. Do you do business with us?
You will see us at the “Where Business Meets the Outdoors” show at the Nez Perce County Fairgrounds this Friday and Saturday. Come stop by our booth and learn about our fabulous service that we want to provide for you! Business After Hours is Friday night 5 – 7. Hope to see you there!
One more thing…the YWCA needs food badly. We are setting up a competition along with Fast Signs to see what business can bring in the most food. Fast Signs will provide a sign for the winner. Help us help the Y!! If you want to participate give me a call 791-2000 and I can give you more details or if you just want to drop items off bring them to 2612 Nez Perce Drive, Suite A. Every little bit is appreciated!