Music Apps that get you Moving
Hey Rock Stars, get your guitars out and get ready to record your next hit record with your Android phone powered by Inland Cellular!
Every musician knows the importance of their instrument sounding good. When you are writing, recording or performing a song, your instrument needs to sound perfect. If it does not sound just right the whole song will sound off. From the drums to a mandolin to a guitar, if your instrument is not tuned your song will not sound like the smash hit it was intended to be. That is why the G-String app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.cohortor.gstrings&feature=search_result#?t=W10.) in the Android Play Store is essential for that hit song you are working on.
Keep your guitar, bass, ukulele or sitar sounding like it should with the G-String app. G-String has a hand that will swing back and forth to let you know where your instrument sits either in or out of tune. When the hand is standing straight up, that means you are ready to rock!
The next step in the song writing process is to get your song down to the point where you can play it in your sleep. Most song writers will spend time by themselves to focus on the song with no distractions. That is where a metronome comes in handy. Keep on time and get that smash record polished with the Metronome Widget(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.cohortor.metronome&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W10.) also available in the Android Play Store.
Rock out to a click track that will help you keep time as you write and produce your next hit single. Chose the tempo or BPM that best fits the song you are writing or even mess around with a few different tempos to see what fits and play your heart out until that song sounds like you want it to.
Once your song has been written and you know the ins and outs of how it is supposed to sound you have to put a rough cut together to play for other band members so you can work out the individual parts with them. With FourTracks Lite (https://play.google.com/store/search?q=multi+track+recorder&c=apps) you can do just that. You get a four track recorder so you can have up to four different takes so you can sing and play a rough demo to play for your band mates or other artists.
With all the tools available for singers, songwriters or producers it is easier than ever to create that next big hit the second you get inspired. Just grab your android phone, powered by Inland Cellular, get a couple apps and rock on rock star!!