iFrogz Boost Speaker
What do you do when you want to watch a movie, YouTube video, or a music video but do not want to use your headphones? The speaker on your phone is not bad but its just not loud enough to really enjoy what you are trying to hear. Here is what you do, run, race or ride to your nearest Inland Cellular store and ask a specialist about the BOOST speaker made by ifrogz.
The BOOST speaker is a wireless speaker that will play the audio from your phone without the need to sync it. All you need to do with the BOOST speaker is locate the movie or song you are planning on watching on your phone and set it right on top of the speaker. The BOOST speaker just plays your sound. It is that easy!
I have no idea how this speaker works. That is the best part of the speaker, most people have no clue how it works. You just put your phone down and it amplifies the sound without compromising quality.
The BOOST speaker is great on the go too. You can use it to play music from apps like Pandora or Slacker Radio while you have a barbeque or get together.
With three AA batteries you can get your favorite sound waves to fly through the air with the greatest of ease with the BOOST speaker available at Inland Cellular.