Must Have Business Apps
Hey there small business owner, let me help you Turn It On!
Lend me your eyes for a minute so I can show you a few apps for your Android Phone, powered by none other than Inland Cellular, that will make business more fun and efficient!
First off, Google Drive is a must have application for your Android phone! Keep all your documents, pictures and other files at bay with Google Drive. Access them anytime, anywhere with your phone and use them for presentations with your current or potential clients. Google drive stores all your files in “The Cloud” so that you do not have to haul all those same documents around with you.
Speaking of documents, all small businesses need to scan documents of all kinds pretty regularly. It would be sweet if you could scan documents with your phone right? With the Cam Scan app from the Google Play Store you can use the camera on your phone to scan documents and save them in different formats. After you do that you can save them in Google Drive, email them or save them for future use.
Another great app that any business that takes credit card payments would benefit from having is Square. Square is the application you put on your phone that allows you to swipe credit cards! Square will send you a swiper that will plug directly into your phone and allow you to take credit cards anywhere you have wireless service. Now you can make the park, the mall or your home a place of business where you can run transactions.
What is the quickest way to share pictures, files or your personal contact information with someone? The answer to that question is BUMP. Bump is available in the Android Play Store and allows you to share all types of documents by simply holding your phone up to another phone that has Bump and bumping them together!
It is simple to bump a picture, just open the picture and click the share button on your phone and when it asks how you would like to share it, choose Bump. Then hold your phone up next to the person you want to share it with and as long as they also have bump the picture will download to their phone instantly.
These are just a few apps available for your Android phone powered by Inland Cellular that will make owning a small business a walk in the park, as much as possible anyways!
Go get’m!
Chris AKA The Gik