Community Events
If you haven’t seen our YouTube video of our flash mob you have to check it out!
We started the parade off with a bang as throughout the several blocks we danced we had about 60 to 70 people, of all ages and sizes join us by the end. It was super fun and watch out….you never know where we may appear next! If you are interested in participating (because you may have heard from a friend how fun it was) then you can contact me and I can give you more information.
So what’s going on for the rest of the month? We have some golf tournaments we will have some interactive games going on. There is the LCSC Alum tournament this Friday and on the 22nd is the St. Joe Scramble for Health. Wednesday night is Century Club Tail Gate Party. Century Club is a fundraiser for the Foundation. We have a spring party and a fall party. Your donation of $100 to this Club gets you 2 fun, themed parties that include dinner and drinks and lots of good company. Think about spending $50 for dinner and drinks somewhere…you will probably pay more. This at least goes to the SJRMC Foundation and supports various projects at the hospital.
I always think “ok, next month is going to slow down”, but there is always something that Inland Cellular is involved with…because we’re like that. Remember, if we support your cause, we would like you to support us!