Text Lingo

It is no secret these days that text messaging has its own language. Short codes like “LOL”, “BRB” or “:)” are utilized to tell friends that you are laughing out loud, will be right back or are smiling. You can get out of the loop real quick by not knowing the lingo, so I am going…

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Strava App Review

I do not know about you but I am a very competitive person. Most of my friends are as well. Completing a workout is never enough, we have to throw some silly competition in at the end when we are exhausted to see who can do the highest box jump, the most push ups or the…

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Music Apps that get you Moving

Hey Rock Stars, get your guitars out and get ready to record your next hit record with your Android phone powered by Inland Cellular! Every musician knows the importance of their instrument sounding good. When you are writing, recording or performing a song, your instrument needs to sound perfect. If it does not sound just…

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Are you a Realtor? Check out the apps we have for you!

The key to building anything successfully is having the right tools. As a Realtor the right tools can be the difference in closing a sale and it falling through the cracks. With real Estate being the fast paced market that it is, a Realtor needs access to information as quickly as possible. Why not have all the information you…

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Find your favorite magazine at the App Store

As busy as people are these days, whether self inflicted or forced, its hard to find time to keep up with your favorite magazines. I realized this when I found a stack of magazines in my mail box that needed to be read. I took them camping with me so I could try and get…

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Must Have Business Apps

Hey there small business owner, let me help you Turn It On! Lend me your eyes for a minute so I can show you a few apps for your Android Phone, powered by none other than Inland Cellular, that will make business more fun and efficient! First off, Google Drive is a must have application…

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Back To School Round 2

It is that time again, the summer is slowly coming to an end and the back to school season is approaching. With all the supplies that need to be purchased from pencils and paper to a laptop and printer paper depending on where you are at in your educational career, it all adds up quickly.…

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Back 2 School Apps

Summer is winding down, but the Google Play Store is just starting to heat up! Since May there are nearly 50,000 new apps for you to explore. In light of the impending Back to School season we have handpicked a few great apps to help your student (or yourself!) stay organized and engaged this fall.…

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Stick Skater Pro App Review

Growing up, my favorite activity was skateboarding. I was obsessed with it and it consumed a huge part of my life. Even now, if I pass a skate park I have to stop and get out for fifteen minutes or so and watch the other skateboarders do their thing. I get so jealous! Instead of…

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Best Camera Apps for Your Android

With Facebook being the number two app for Android phones, second only to Google Maps, it only makes sense to write an app review for apps that will compliment your Facebook. With apps like Instagram, Vignette Demo, Pudding Camera, and Cartoon Camera you can take pictures that will make your Facebook page pop with pictures…

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