Community Involvement

Sponsorship & Donation Guidelines
Inland Cellular is a regional wireless company that is dedicated to giving back to the communities we live, work, and play in. We are committed to providing the best customer-focused wireless experience in the industry while striving to make a difference in our communities. Please review the guidelines below before making your request.
- Inland Cellular will only consider sponsorship requests that reflect our commitment to our local communities, remain in our local communities, and communicate our Mission, and Vision.
- In return for a sponsorship or donation, Inland Cellular may ask for our logo to be displayed/advertised, announcements during the event, use of an area to display or showcase our products and interact with the public, publicity or other publication opportunities before, during, or after the event.
- Event sponsorship requests must be made at least 30 days before the event.
- All requests will be reviewed and our marketing coordinator will let you know the decision before your deadline.
Support & Customer Care
Sponsorship/Donation Request
On average we give back 2,798 volunteer hours supporting our communities and local events. We have also donated in-kind to many of the foundations, causes, and needs in our hometowns. We are proud of our communities and the staff members who serve as friends, mentors, coaches, parents, and volunteers. Living Inland means we are committed to our communities. We will do our best to help in some way through our time, our talents, a donation, or a financial gift.